

Pit Duty

For scoring we'll need

Value disc...A orange disk about 6" in diameter
Spotting Disc...A two sided disc, 3" in dia
white on one side and black on the other
with a spindle through the middle.
Small Spotter Disc...The same thing as a Spotter Disk
but only 1" in dia. used in Rapid Fire. Some just use golf tee's.
Number Board...A chalk board to record rapid fire scores.

Slow Fire Slow Fire scoring is done one shot at a time. 
The shooter fires his shot, the target puller than pulls the target down. 
A Spotting Disk  is inserted in the bullet hole, 
white side out in the black or black side out in the white. 
The Value Disk is hung on one of the eight positions around the 
target to indicate the shots value. 
The target puller then runs the target up so the 
shooter and scorer can see it. 

This target is scored a miss.

Rapid fire is scored differently.
The target puller's run the targets up half way (Half Mast) 
when the shooters on the firing line are ready the targets are
run up all the way and the timer starts. 
After 60 sec in sitting, or 70 in prone the targets are 
pulled down and all shots are scored by writing them down 
on a chalk board.
Small Spotter Discs are inserted in the holes. 
The Number Board is hung  on the target and the target 
is run up for the shooter and scorer to see.

This target has a score of 92-1x

Rapid Fire

Shots which touch the next higher scoring ring are scored at the higher value
Shot #1 is obviously scored a10
Shot #2 is touching the "x" ring so is scored a X
Shot #3 has a sliver of black between the hole and ring, so it is scored a 9

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